Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Relationship 101: Communication

Hello folks and hope all are enjoying the off and on, pollen filled, rainy then sunny then rainy again, slightly and ridiculously breezy and some time BUURRR weather. :-( But keep your chin up and and Zyrtec in your pocket :-). Alot of my friends know me as a therapist at heart and come to me for advice for a variety of things. Recently, a friend confided in me that she is comfortable in her relationship but alot of things that happen are questionable and some things bother her but she is unsure what to do. People, let me start by saying that communication is THE MOST important factor in a relationship. Without it, there is NO love, no intimacy, no trust bond or friendship. Always express your feelings to your partner so that the feelings of communication can be recipricated. But make sure you express the good and bad. Don't only speak on the bad because then he/she will feel as though they are always blamed or cause for an argument. Also speak on when your happy or what he/she did to make you happy. Communication is always good because it is a hidden/silent "report card" on what is working and not working in a relationship. It lets you know what works and what doesn't. NEVER be afraid to ask questions. When in a committed relationship, you have the right to ask questions. Remember, it is your heart that is gambled in any relationship so never be afraid to ask "Where are you?" "What would you think if" or "Why did you?" Make sure your questions are valid and appropriate though. Never bring up invalid and pointless items. A problem always arises when feelings and questions are held in. So please, COMMUNICATE!!!!! And it will make for a happy, long lasting relationship.


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