Friday, April 24, 2009

Keep your friends close, but your wallets closer

This isn't to put anybody on blast...I'm not that type of guy. I'd say it to your face. This is simply an article to give others some good advice, coming from a sage such as myself. It's hard becoming successful at what you do and having friends there to see you relish in it. Some friends may grow envious and fade away, while some (most likely the majority of them) will stick around and suck the life and funds out of you. Don't get me wrong, I am very generous when it comes to helping others because I know if the shoe was on the other foot, they have, and would help me. Its just sickening how people who love you and care will find any kind of way to get you to spend money on them, or with them. I know when I am being used. I am trying to give the benefit of the doubt's not worth it anymore. We all have our own problems and may be struggling in some way, so don't assume somebody always "has it". Get off your ass and go get it. I don't pity people who are broke. I really don't. College student or not, there is ALWAYS some sort of hustle. If you aren't cutting it by yourself, and the "extra curricular" activities you are involved in are not paying any bills or fattening your stomach, than you need to do some spring cleaning and prioritizing!!!
Thanks for letting me vent.



I've been taking Spanish classes since 7th grade. Most would consider me semi-fluent in the language, which I guess would make me bilingual. Since beginning the course in middle school at Durham School of the Arts, I have been an advocate for Hispanic rights......UNTIL YESTERDAY!! It was about 7:13 on a beautiful Thursday dawn as I strolled through Wal-Mart collecting groceries and other household essentials. When it was time to pay for my items, I noticed a grungy, MS-13 looking Honduran thug walking my way with his two school aged children (no older than 12). Running loose like animals, while the father nonchalantly let them roam, the little girl ran into my shopping cart and fell her chipped tooth ass to the ground. The father did not see her run into my cart but saw her lying on the ground and assumed I had put her there. I remained calm as he proceeded to get loud with me, until he started to come at me. Then things got pretty heated and ugly. I would like to thank the staff at Wal-Mart for returning my nerves to normal. Now by no means am I a racist in any form or fashion, but I do plan on going to the borders and help rebuild/build them as if it were a volunteer project for habitat for humanity!! Aliens...grab your shit and go before I become the predator!! For those of you who are here legally and conforming...thank you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


As a finance major, money fascinates me. My goal is to be a financial advisors. So here is the first tip in living a comfy cozy lifestyle............DON'T BUY WHAT YOU CAN'T AFFORD! I have GOO GOBBLES of friends buried in debt. It's a sad thing. Credit Cards are useful SOMETIMES! I admit......I have one.....but it's main function is emergencies (and the occassional "I gotta have this!!!") Gettin' a card can be scary if you're someone like me who likes to just even hear the sound of a "SWIPE". DISCIPLINE DISCIPLINE DISCIPLINE. That's what it takes. I learned the hard way when I owed mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm $1,209.39. A minor slip up which, by the grace of god, my wages can handle. But if you're one of the unlucky people spit in the face by that guy named "cut backs", DO NOT use your card. YES, it is GREAT for establishing credit. But do not be fooled, NEVER pay the min. payments cuz you're only paying MORE. Pay that looks good and helps you out the hole. CUT BACK on what you don't need. How dare you spend $500+ on an outfit and you're car is on a doughnut with a sneeze everytime you hit 35MPH. It's foolish. PRIORITIZE! You may not have what you want NOW, but save for later and you will have your Forty acres and that muuuuuuule.....


Am I the only one who knows we are in a recession? Is this nation ASS backwards? I am by no means broke but it urks me when I see certain things in this world. WHY on earth are Beyonce's tickets ranging from a mere $60 to a wopping $1k? Would you pay? I admire NO ONE that much to pay $1k to go backstage, and say "Beyonce, I love you" to which she replies "Aaaaww, thank you so much" and the assembly line continues. I don't know about you, but my $1k usually goes towards a seasonal wardrobe, apt furnishings, or a TRIP......aaaaaaaaaaahhh sunny beaches here I come. Don't get me wrong, I think Bey is THE SHIT and a sweet humble person. But damn, you are MRS. CARTER now. You're set, and were set B.C. (Before Carter). So why are we payin entertainers millions of dollars this nation does not have in contract after contract when poor Ms. Johnson who works at Jackson middle can barely pay off her Honda Civic? Why are the ones who prepare us for the future the lowest paid? Stupid. And these tickets just keep driving these ignorant "credit abusers" further into debt. (ooooohh, new topic) With nations such as China and Japan on the rise, we had better worry, NOW. And fix this. Check out France. ALL their doctors are similarly paid and living nicely but not EXTREMELY out there.......and mind you that they have FREE HEALTHCARE! That pisses me off...............I'm done...........


Relationship 102

Im getting frustrated. I used to call myself the "love doctor" but it seems that I can't even keep love alive. My heart speaks louder than others. I guess you can call me a bit of a sucker for love. But what really grinds my gears is the simple fact that I am always answering the same relationship questions OVER AND OVER again. This is a Pair-A-Phrase exclusive because this is the LAST time I will share with you all what most need to look for and value in their relationships. For any relationship to work, whether it be romantic or not, I live by the three C's. They are communication, compromise, and consistency. Lacking or even omitting one of these in your love diet can and will make a big difference.
Communication: What is a relationship when two people can not talk openly and honestly to one another? Its just a mirage of lies, deciet, and trickery. Again, i reiterate, if you cannot talk to your boyfriend/girlfriend/friend about how you are feeling, whether good or bad, there really is no need to speak. First step into growing, learning, and fixing problems would involve talking and communicating. If you cannot communicate this to your sweetheart, how are they ever to know what makes your clock tick, what your hot buttons are, or even how to make your day? Keep the lines open...there is no such thing as "I don't want to talk about it". That shit will ERK MY NERVES!!! Yea, I understand you may not want to talk about it at that moment but eventually, I would like to know what is bothering you so I can fix IT BE KNOWN...ALWAYS!
Compromise: No two people are alike. I myself am a twin and it sure is apparent that we are unique in our own ways. This is what you have to understand when dealing with others close to your heart. There are going to be some things you absolutely love about him/her, as well as traits that you may despise. If the things that bother you can be compromised, then by all means, do them. It'll make the relationship better. For example, I am not a morning bird. If you happen to like to go on breakfast every Thursday at Mimi's Cafe and I liked to go to dinner on Sat. nights (conflicting with your study time) than I would take time to go to the cafe. At the same time, you would need to return the favor to show that you care (if you do)...get your ass up early to study so you can make dinner at 8!!
Consistency: I dont think that any of the three C's are more important than the other but consistency is the one that would show you that they truely care. Meaning you didn't just compromise your study time just to please me that ONE time. Be consistent and persistent, not just fulfilling the bare minimum. Relationships have to grow and trust has to be built. Many are sadly mistaken by thinking trust is something that is earned and solidified like a trophy. It's something that must be continuously earned (maybe over and over again, depending on how many times you f*&k up). People with consistency are dependable. Do not get it twisted and think they are predictable. Just know that consistency eventually can make a difference in how someone, trust and relies on you and does not hold your character and intentions into question.
If you feel that you are following all of the C's and the feelings between you and jack/jane aren't mutual...GIVE IT UP!! He/she does not care to grow with you. Maybe it truely is their nature and its something they cannot control. That doesn't mean they don't care about you, it just lets you know that the two of you are NOT compatible. Know yourself first before you get to know anybody else.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

You may know me, but I don't know you!!!

As I was joking around with one of my co-workers one day I was told "Mr. Joe, you can't fight!" to which I replied "You're probably right! Cuz I have never had to." I am not ashamed ladies and lads to say I have NEVER been in a fight before. I actually pride myself in that. Honestly, my 5'8.5" frame can not do much damage to say the least (working on that lol) but I have what is known simply as a non-chalant attitude. Yes, you have your bullies, haters, wanna-bes or what have you, but the key is pride and just plain ignoring shit!! Trust me when I say, my name lingers from ear to ear often from people at school, at work, in public or forgotten homo sapiens in cities I haven't graced in years, but I don't let it get to me and rarely is my frustration broadcasted. People must learn to ignore and move forward. I CAN'T STAND seeing someone post stuff about people hating on them or people watching their EVERY step. LET EM' WATCH!! WHAT YOU COMPLAINING FOR!?!?!?! Don't you see that the mere mention of your name causes a frenzy? That just means you have CLOUT! Now, if you ain't doing SHIT with yourself and and you're a self proclaimed BUM, be emberassed. But if you know you're making it, you're happy and you're where you wanna be, it's most likely that people only wanna talk because they are not in your inner circle. SO BASK IN THE ENVY LIKE AN AROMA OF FRESHLY BAKED DOUGHNUTS!!! Giving in and posting rebuttals is a cheap shot and the chicken way out. The more you ignore, the more feelings are crushed. And when you reply, it just adds fuel til finally things that shouldn't be exposed are put on the table in a crystal lined porcelain Tiffany's bowl for everyone to gawk at. Not a good look. So, to all my SOFTIES out there lettin' their tormentors eat away at them, take note. Laugh it off and let it go! BUT, that does not mean when something is said in public to just let it slide...........don't get flustered and get all coon-like (lol) and jump around stating what your gonna do. Smile :-) say "I'm better then you" and walk away like they were not even there.........................always works!



Hello all!!! With all the exams coming up and other personal stresses (such as family, bitchy whiny friends, stupid co-workers, ruthless professors, bad breath strangers, etc.) it is good to know what can be done to relieve you of the everyday parasites. It is as simple as what you put in your reference to the four food groups..............that can make a big difference. Here are some helpful foods that can be eaten to get you in a peaceful state. I like to call my peaceful world "perfect planet" kids, no job, no work......just me. " :-)
1. Berries, Any Berries
Blackberries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, blueberries. They're not just delicious; they're jammed with antioxidants, which is why they're great at countering the skin-damaging free radicals generated by stress. Eat them one by one (like healthy M&M's) when the pressure is on. If you're a jaw clencher, try rolling a frozen berry around in your mouth. And then another, and another. Or whirl up a Berry Dessert Slush.

2. Guacamole
Avocados are loaded with B vitamins, which stress quickly depletes and your body needs in order to maintain nerves and brain cells. Scoop up the creamy goodness -- which comes from healthy monounsaturated fats -- with whole-grain baked chips or raw veggies. If you're watching calories, dip instead of scoop: 2 tablespoons have about 55 calories. Try this simple recipe for Avocado Fiesta Salsa. 3. Nuts Almost all nuts are good sources of vitamins B and E, plus selenium and zinc, but some nuts have more than others, so cover your bases by mixing them up. Just an ounce -- a small handful -- will help replace those stress-depleted Bs (walnuts); give you a good dose of selenium and zinc (Brazil nuts), which are also drained by high anxiety; boost your vitamin E (almonds), which helps fight cellular damage linked to chronic stress; and may even lower your blood pressure by helping your arteries relax (pistachios). They're high in calories, so don't overindulge.

4. Oranges
People who take 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C before giving a speech have lower levels of cortisol and better-behaved blood pressure than those who don't take it. So lean back, take a deep breath, and concentrate on peeling a big, juicy orange. The 5-minute mindfulness break will steady your brain cells, and you'll get a bunch of C as well.

5. Salmon and Other Fatty Fish
The omega-3 fatty acid in salmon, called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), isn't just good for your skin. Studies show people who eat ample amounts of DHA have a much lower incidence of depression, aggressiveness, and hostility. So this healthy fish may even help road rage! Some people report improvements in mood within days or even hours of eating omega-3-rich meals. Serve Double Sesame Salmon with Mango-Avocado Salsa for dinner this weekend.

6. Spinach
Spinach and other happy greens (the dark, leafy ones) contain folate, a B vitamin that appears to be essential for mood and proper nerve function in the brain. Two cups of cooked spinach gives you the 400 micrograms of folate recommended to pick up your mood. And you'll love this recipe for Sauteed Spinach with Pine Nuts and Golden Raisins. 7. Dark Chocolate
The antioxidant flavonols in dark chocolate (check labels; you want 70% or more cacao) help keep your blood pressure steady and your mind sharp. They may also help counter cellular damage caused by stress. Try this when you need a mental lift: Microwave 8 ounces of vanilla almond milk on medium for 1 minute, and then stir in an ounce of dark chocolate till it melts (heat triggers antioxidant release). Delish. Just show a little restraint; chocolate packs a lot of calories

Relationship 101: Communication

Hello folks and hope all are enjoying the off and on, pollen filled, rainy then sunny then rainy again, slightly and ridiculously breezy and some time BUURRR weather. :-( But keep your chin up and and Zyrtec in your pocket :-). Alot of my friends know me as a therapist at heart and come to me for advice for a variety of things. Recently, a friend confided in me that she is comfortable in her relationship but alot of things that happen are questionable and some things bother her but she is unsure what to do. People, let me start by saying that communication is THE MOST important factor in a relationship. Without it, there is NO love, no intimacy, no trust bond or friendship. Always express your feelings to your partner so that the feelings of communication can be recipricated. But make sure you express the good and bad. Don't only speak on the bad because then he/she will feel as though they are always blamed or cause for an argument. Also speak on when your happy or what he/she did to make you happy. Communication is always good because it is a hidden/silent "report card" on what is working and not working in a relationship. It lets you know what works and what doesn't. NEVER be afraid to ask questions. When in a committed relationship, you have the right to ask questions. Remember, it is your heart that is gambled in any relationship so never be afraid to ask "Where are you?" "What would you think if" or "Why did you?" Make sure your questions are valid and appropriate though. Never bring up invalid and pointless items. A problem always arises when feelings and questions are held in. So please, COMMUNICATE!!!!! And it will make for a happy, long lasting relationship.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Welcome to PAIR-a-phrase. Jon and I have decided to begin a blog that, overtime, will be quite entertaining. This is the beginning product and mind you we are both very busy siblings, but will do our best to post at least 3 new posts a week. Most likely it will be more. We will include writing topics, videos, pictures and music. We will speak on any and everything from life, love, work, the world and things/people/groups(not racial) that we despise. Don't get mad........and don't try to get even. ENJOY!!!!
