Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Relationship 102

Im getting frustrated. I used to call myself the "love doctor" but it seems that I can't even keep love alive. My heart speaks louder than others. I guess you can call me a bit of a sucker for love. But what really grinds my gears is the simple fact that I am always answering the same relationship questions OVER AND OVER again. This is a Pair-A-Phrase exclusive because this is the LAST time I will share with you all what most need to look for and value in their relationships. For any relationship to work, whether it be romantic or not, I live by the three C's. They are communication, compromise, and consistency. Lacking or even omitting one of these in your love diet can and will make a big difference.
Communication: What is a relationship when two people can not talk openly and honestly to one another? Its just a mirage of lies, deciet, and trickery. Again, i reiterate, if you cannot talk to your boyfriend/girlfriend/friend about how you are feeling, whether good or bad, there really is no need to speak. First step into growing, learning, and fixing problems would involve talking and communicating. If you cannot communicate this to your sweetheart, how are they ever to know what makes your clock tick, what your hot buttons are, or even how to make your day? Keep the lines open...there is no such thing as "I don't want to talk about it". That shit will ERK MY NERVES!!! Yea, I understand you may not want to talk about it at that moment but eventually, I would like to know what is bothering you so I can fix IT BE KNOWN...ALWAYS!
Compromise: No two people are alike. I myself am a twin and it sure is apparent that we are unique in our own ways. This is what you have to understand when dealing with others close to your heart. There are going to be some things you absolutely love about him/her, as well as traits that you may despise. If the things that bother you can be compromised, then by all means, do them. It'll make the relationship better. For example, I am not a morning bird. If you happen to like to go on breakfast every Thursday at Mimi's Cafe and I liked to go to dinner on Sat. nights (conflicting with your study time) than I would take time to go to the cafe. At the same time, you would need to return the favor to show that you care (if you do)...get your ass up early to study so you can make dinner at 8!!
Consistency: I dont think that any of the three C's are more important than the other but consistency is the one that would show you that they truely care. Meaning you didn't just compromise your study time just to please me that ONE time. Be consistent and persistent, not just fulfilling the bare minimum. Relationships have to grow and trust has to be built. Many are sadly mistaken by thinking trust is something that is earned and solidified like a trophy. It's something that must be continuously earned (maybe over and over again, depending on how many times you f*&k up). People with consistency are dependable. Do not get it twisted and think they are predictable. Just know that consistency eventually can make a difference in how someone, trust and relies on you and does not hold your character and intentions into question.
If you feel that you are following all of the C's and the feelings between you and jack/jane aren't mutual...GIVE IT UP!! He/she does not care to grow with you. Maybe it truely is their nature and its something they cannot control. That doesn't mean they don't care about you, it just lets you know that the two of you are NOT compatible. Know yourself first before you get to know anybody else.


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