Wednesday, April 22, 2009


As a finance major, money fascinates me. My goal is to be a financial advisors. So here is the first tip in living a comfy cozy lifestyle............DON'T BUY WHAT YOU CAN'T AFFORD! I have GOO GOBBLES of friends buried in debt. It's a sad thing. Credit Cards are useful SOMETIMES! I admit......I have one.....but it's main function is emergencies (and the occassional "I gotta have this!!!") Gettin' a card can be scary if you're someone like me who likes to just even hear the sound of a "SWIPE". DISCIPLINE DISCIPLINE DISCIPLINE. That's what it takes. I learned the hard way when I owed mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm $1,209.39. A minor slip up which, by the grace of god, my wages can handle. But if you're one of the unlucky people spit in the face by that guy named "cut backs", DO NOT use your card. YES, it is GREAT for establishing credit. But do not be fooled, NEVER pay the min. payments cuz you're only paying MORE. Pay that looks good and helps you out the hole. CUT BACK on what you don't need. How dare you spend $500+ on an outfit and you're car is on a doughnut with a sneeze everytime you hit 35MPH. It's foolish. PRIORITIZE! You may not have what you want NOW, but save for later and you will have your Forty acres and that muuuuuuule.....

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